The Spring 2020 edition of On With Life's Headway magazine is now available online! Click here to access it.
This edition of Headway is the first edition since we launched our new brand in the summer of 2019. The magazine still has all of your favorite sections such as "Reports from the Community" and "Philanthropy in Action," but has a whole new look that incorporates our new brand.
As part of our brand launch last year, we also introduced our "Watch Me" campaign. This campaign highlights the inspirational stories of On With Life persons served overcoming adversity and proving the world wrong with their accomplishments. We used this as the cover story for this Headway edition, and included three new "Watch Me" stories for you to enjoy. Not familiar with our "Watch Me" campaign? Click here to learn more and watch our "Watch Me" commercials.
We hope you enjoy this newest Headway. Especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we hope our stories remind you of the good and inspirational moments that surround us everyday.