On With Life, in partnership with the Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa, will be giving away 500 free bicycle helmets at the Iowa State Fair on Thursday, August 16. The helmet giveaway is first come, first serve and will include toddler, youth and adult bicycle helmets.
The helmet giveaway will be located in the Farm Bureau Park (located east of the Varied Industries Building) between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Thursday, August 16. On With Life and the Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa are conducting the helmet giveaway to raise awareness for the importance of helmet use in preventing brain injuries and the lack of helmet laws in Iowa. While 22 states have helmet use laws applying to minor bicyclists and 47 have helmet use laws for motorcyclists, Iowa has neither law. As a brain injury rehabilitation provider, On With Life sees the impact of no helmet law, and we’d like to educate and encourage our lawmakers to consider passing those laws in Iowa.
“The only cure for traumatic brain injury is prevention and that is why it is an important part of our mission,” said Corey Morrison, chief strategy and development officer at On With Life. “In the same way that we talk about how changes in our lifestyle can prevent heart disease or cancer, lifestyle changes like helmet usage and not texting while driving, can prevent brain injuries.”
Iowa State Fair attendees are encouraged to stop by the Farm Bureau Park to pick up a bicycle helmet and learn why it’s important to keep your head protected while you ride. A special thanks to Alliant Energy and the Knights of Columbus at Our Lady's Immaculate Heart for their generous support of this helmet safety initiative. Learn more about helmet safety initiatives, including our annual “Wear Your Helmet at Work”