Ryan Companies Donates Time and Tree to On With Life

On October 19, a team from Ryan Companies spent the day working in On With Life's Ankeny therapy grounds. After a coworker of theirs, Brian Clark, spent time in both inpatient and outpatient programs, the company thought it was the perfect way to give back. 

Brian came to On With Life after he suffered a stroke back in May 2021. He spent a few months in our inpatient program before transitioning to On With Life outpatient therapy. During his time here, his infectious smile, positive attitude and passion for landscaping have become widely known among staff.

It was that passion for landscaping architecture that inspired Ryan Companies' work day. Led by Brian, they helped plant flowers in preparation for fall, repaired both a retaining wall and garden shelter, and most importantly, planted a brand new tree.

"Strong, resilient and adaptive." 

These three words describe the American red oak, Brian's favorite tree. Ryan Companies donated and planted the tree not only in honor of Brian, but also in hopes of inspiring persons served at On With Life for years to come.

It was an exciting and inspiring day at On With Life, and we were fortunate to have WHO Channel 13 cover the story. Watch it here!