Expertise in Action
Raise the Bar
As a way to showcase our expertise and further advance the field of neuro rehabilitation, On With Life staff participate in several national organizations and present at events/conferences throughout the year.


The Foundation to Advance Brain Rehabilitation (FABR)

On With Life is part of a select group of leading brain injury rehabilitation organizations from across the United States that has come together to improve patient outcomes in the rehabilitation field. The Foundation to Advance Brain Rehabilitation (FABR) aims to use aggregate patient outcome data in a high-quality database project with the eventual goal of further demonstrating the value of post-acute rehabilitation. This project will examines not only clinical change data, but ultimately measures of cost and resource utilization incurred in obtaining the level of clinical change. 

TBI Model Systems Participation

On With Life's CEO, Jean Shelton, serves on the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Regional Advisory Council. This council meets twice a year to provide oversight for the Traumatic Brain Injury Model System out of the Mayo Clinic, which works to improve the lives of individuals who experience TBI, along with their families and communities, by studying the long-term recovery after TBI as well as develop, provide and evaluate innovative services that address identified needs for care coordination and community reintegration. View a list of TBI Model System studies here.

Recent Speaking Engagements/Presentations in the Community


  • Dave Anders presented at the American Heart Association Mission: Lifeline Iowa Stroke Conference as their keynote speaker about “Neurobehavioral Programming: Embracing the Challenge with Dignity” (June 8)
  • Sam Williams presented at the International Seating Symposium about driver control selection for powered mobility following an acquired brain injury (April 13)
  • Kenzie Wyble and Christa Freeman presented at the Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation (March 27)
  • Gail McGaughy and Tammy Miller presented at the Johnston Rotary (March 21)
  • Dave Anders presented at the annual Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa Conference about effort and engagement in rehabilitation (March 2)
  • Paula Duve presented at Edgewater in Iowa City about stroke (March 7)
  • Paula Duve presented at UIHC about stroke (February 1)
  • Megan Ihrke and Amy deBuhr presented at UIHC about DoC (February 1)
  • Kate Thompson presented at the Optimism Club in Iowa City (January 12)
  • Paula Duve presented at Iowa City’s Rotary about On With Life (January 6)


  • Emily Summerfield presented with Dr. Triebel at Des Moines University about vision (May 22)
  • Tammy Miller and Laura McPike presented at a breakfast group about On With Life (April 15)
  • Paula Duve presented at Vintage Cooperative about On With Life (April 15)
  • Paula Duve and Laura Carlson presented at Pilot Club in Iowa City about Parkinson’s Disease (March 10)
  • Dave Anders, Sue Sandahl, Claire Gripenberg, Michelle King and Laura McPike presented at Grand Living about a variety of topics (February 3)