On With Life’s Legacy Society includes generous individuals who have made a lifelong commitment to our mission through a special and important form of financial support. Unless anonymity is requested, the donors listed below have named On With Life as a beneficiary of a planned/future gift during their lifetime.

Legacy Society Members

Mary Emal

Nancé Fleming

Russell J. Hansen

Dee and Gary Lynk

Charles Vry

Debbie and Doug West

Please let us know if you plan to or have already included On With Life in your will or estate. Being a member involves no obligations, but it does allow us to thank you and recognize you for the plans you have made, and it may inspire generosity in others.

To join the Legacy Society or indicate interest in doing so, please fill out the form below. To visit with On With Life Foundation staff about your planned/future gift, please call 515-289-9611 or email foundation@onwithlife.org.

Fill out my online form.

Thank you for considering membership in the Legacy Society! When you make a commitment of a planned/future gift, you become part of an important group of people providing lasting contributions to brain injury + neuro rehab.