There are a wide variety of neurological diseases affecting the brain and nervous system. Diagnosing and detecting the specific issues you or your loved one is dealing with is where we shine. We have a dedicated team of neuro-rehabilitation experts who are here to give you the best path to living the best life possible.
On With Life serves individuals that have other neurological conditions, such as West Nile Virus or Guillian-Barre Syndrome. As specialists in brain injury rehabilitation, we know that each injury is unique, with specific needs, capabilities and potential. Therefore, each person served has a treatment plan that is created uniquely for them. The entire rehabilitation team at On With Life works together with the person served and family to develop a treatment plan that meets the goals of those involved. Goals and outcomes are measured on a regular basis and on average, 75% of individual long-term goals are met and 60% of persons served return home at discharge.