On With Life's Long-Term program has created a caring, therapeutic environment where each individual receives ongoing opportunities for improvement. A one-of-a-kind sensory stimulation gym and access to a therapy pool make this a truly unique therapeutic environment.
Long-Term Therapy Program
Physical Therapy – Our Physical therapy program is designed to help regain and maintain strength, endurance and balance for functional mobility tasks.
Occupational Therapy – Our occupational therapy program focuses on visual skills, upper body function and movement, the enhancement of daily living activities, and the identification of adaptive rehabilitation equipment.
Speech Language Pathology – Our Speech Therapy program targets enhancing cognitive abilities, addressing swallowing deficits and developing alternative means of communication.
Therapeutic Recreation – Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists and staff assist persons served to regain functional recreation and social skills through a wide variety of modalities. Persons served have the opportunity to explore new leisure experiences through cognitive-based groups, community integration outings, leisure education and special events. Volunteers help to further enhance quality of life by offering companionship and specialized services in spirituality, horticulture and pet therapy, to name a few.
Medical Nutrition Therapy – Our Registered Dietitian assesses the nutritional needs of each person served to maintain safe swallowing, address medical needs, and maximize nutritional status.